Friday, November 13, 2009

Growing Leaders,

I would like to thank you all on behalf of the Fayette County Schools for providing such a wonderful presenter to WHS and SCHS during our
Red Ribbon week. I was able to observe and witness Tim Elmore at WHS - I came in late and was able to view the movie clip of the Titanic before and during the crash into the iceberg. It was an excellent clip and Tim was able to relate it to one's character . . . . what you see on the outside is not nearly as important as what is on the inside of the individual. One's character should be "wide and deep" just like the base of the iceberg so it can buffer one from making unwise decisions in life.

Tim related this analogy extremely well to the Junior Class at WHS. He did something that I have not seen in my 28 years at the high school level. He allowed a full class of Juniors, in the WHS auditorium, to discuss with their peers what this meant to them. I was impressed with Tim' courage - it was a risk - but he handled it well because he was able to get them back under control and discuss their issues/comments/concerns.

Also, Tim's book on
Habitutes is an excellent read. I am excited thinking that we can use his books with our athletic teams as well as potentially other areas in our curriculum. Once again, thanks and I appreciate each one of you and all that you do for our kids, our teachers, and our parents in Fayette County.


Sam Sweat


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  2. The Orlando schools will be promoting health and wellness to its students this year. As part of the Orange County FL District, the schools in Orlando will implement a new wellness policy that was just approved this month.

    The new policy is in response to a federal mandate, under the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004. All schools that receive federal funding for lunch programs must have a wellness policy in place.
    Private School in Orlando
